Mobile: Support

Do you need some assistance?
Submit your report
We understand that problems occur from time to time, whether it be an oversight from the developer or end user, or a special circumstance such as untested hardware or software. We would rather these problems didn't occur, but only so much is possible without feedback, so we have a basic support system to help fix these problems.

Have you spotted a problem in one of our sites or mobile apps? Try looking in the feedback center to see if this problem has been reported already. If not, you may signup for a support account and submit feedback. When submitting feedback, please provide any logs or messages to help us find the problem faster.

If applicable, describe the steps that were taken before the problem occurred. For example:
I clicked the open box, selected a filename but then canceled
The filename box was updated even though I canceled
After that I couldn't click the open box anymore
Only refreshing the page fixed it
We'd also like to know which hardware powers the device experiencing the issue. For example:
Model: Samsung Galaxy Ace GT5830
Version: Android 2.3.3
Screen: 320x480
Buttons: Home, Menu, Back
Rooted: No
Network: Cell 3G
Submitting these and other useful details may help to speed up the diagnosis of your problem. We don't need to know absolutely everything about your device, but if you think something is appropriate then please include it as it may be useful!

Please note that by submitting any information to us, you agree that you won't abuse, threaten or in any way negatively address any visiting or supporting user of this web site. Offensive comments will be removed without notice. Please stay on topic and only submit information that is relevant to the problem you are experiencing.
NOTES: For issues requiring personal data, contact us directly from the contact us page.